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Local Home Intent Development

Home Intent can be developed locally by using a series of containers that have all been defined in the docker-compose.yaml. So now, with just a little bit of Docker knowledge, developing on Home Intent should be a lot easier.

NOTE: The examples are using docker-compose, newer versions of the Docker cli can use docker compose on Mac/Windows.

Basic Development Setup

The development environment is setup to run from the development-env directory. Inside there there is a config folder that includes config.example.yaml. This is a starting config.yaml intended for development. Feel free to copy config.examples.yaml to config.yaml and enable integrations or add customizations to the folder.

After you have a config.yaml in the development-env directory, you can start a full development environment you can spin up by doing the following:

docker-compose up

Below mentions some of the caveats of containerized development and how to do run certain components as needed. We want to make the local development experience better, and will look for ways to do that in the future!

Docs Development

The docs container will spin up a local mkdocs server and will hot reload as the Markdown files in the docs directory are changed. If you want to only work on docs, you can spin it up with the following command:

docker-compose up docs

This will start a server at http://localhost:8000 where you can see the rendered docs.

Frontend Development

Frontend development will spin up a local node server that runs SvelteKit and will hot reload as the Svelte files in ui/frontend are changed. It relies on the API development container to run and will spin it up automatically if it's not specified.

docker-compose up api frontend

This will start a server at http://localhost:3000 where you can see the rendered frontend.

Notably some of the Frontend/API features do not work in the containerized development environment as they rely on being deployed in the same location as Home Intent. This includes restarts and testing some of the sound functionality (which is disabled for externally managed Rhasspy in the UI).

API Development

The API is built using FastAPI and supports hot reload as Python files in the ui folder are changed.

docker-compose up api

This will start a server at http://localhost:11102/openapi

It has the same caveats as mentioned in the Frontend Development section above. Also, if the docs/frontend are built in their respective directories, the API should host them and will be available at http://localhost:11102.

Home Intent Development

Home Intent development is done in Python and currently does not support hot reload. We want to enable it, but haven't had enough time to get it working.

To start Home Intent in a container:

docker-compose up homeintent

If you make changes, you will have to ctrl+c out and then restart using the command above. Also, if you have spun up the entire development environment with docker-compose up, you can manually stop Home Intent with the following:

docker-compose stop homeintent

The Home Intent development container has the one issue of not sharing the filesystem with Rhasspy, so custom Rhasspy intent/error sounds can't be loaded. It's why beeps is set to false under home_intent in the development config.yaml.

General Development Recommendations

When you are done doing any local development, you should probably stop whatever development containers may have been started by doing the following:

docker-compose stop

The last thing that's worth noting is that if you pull in updates from GitHub, you should run the docker-compose up command with the --build flag to rebuild any of the underlying containers.